
Breathe 3

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BBRaeluv's avatar

Literature Text

Breathe Part 3

* * *
Imagine, every single person is paired up in this tower except for me! I mean ya Bee and I had a thing for awhile. But it wasn't ever gonna last. I had that crush on Jinx or maybe I still do but I dunno. Ya she isn't a villain anymore but it's not like she doesn't have a thing for that Kid Flash. But I don't wanna be in a relationship at the moment anyway but that's the thing about BB and Rae. They are way beyond the I'm-your -girlfriend/boyfriend-getting-to-know-you thing; as weird as it sounds they're soul mates. Raven even told me that she saw her future twin daughters. It can't get much more real than that. Even now, Beast Boy is scarfin on some cereal and before Raven can even open her mouth to speak BB is already handing her a spoonful. She just smiles and takes a bite then goes back to reading. When BB shifts his weight Rae just adjusts to his position. They like move as one and it's gettin kinda weird.
Rob and Star went out to "search for new appliances for the kitchen". I know for a fact that Star did that online a couple days ago and it should be arriving sometime tonight. RobStar are probably getting dinner and a movie. That itself is so predictable. They are like the average teenage couple aside from her being an alien and him having a secret identity; they flirt, get dinner and a movie, sneak around and hang out at the mall.
BB finishes his cereal and gets up and says,
"Hey Rae, what tea do you want?" Dude, this is wat I'm talking bout. She didn't even ask!
"Ummmm any is fine, thanks" She replies. BB smirks and says,
"Peppermint Spice it is!" Did he seriously just guess? Damn. He's right, I can tell by that damn smile on both of their faces.
"Hey Cy, you want anything?" A relationship would be awesome, thanks.
"Naw, I'm good." I reply trying to hide the bitterness in my voice, and failing. Raven can tell.
"Hey, babe, I'm going to take a nap and maybe meditate some, so why don't you guys play some videogames or something?" Leave it to Rae to fix everything.
"Awesome! Dude, which game, Mega Monkeys 4? Or Grand Theft Auto?" Beast Boy is practically jumping up and down.
"Why don't we play Grand Theft Auto, someone needs to beat Robin's high score." I look up at Raven and she smiles at me. God, so wonder BB loves her. She just gave up a comfy seat on the couch, her TV show, a place to read and tea to make me feel better. Maybe she's doing it because she thinks she owes me for running block for the past three weeks. I mean not that it isn't a demanding job considering how oblivious they are to the opening of doors, but I don't really mind.
BB and I have been playing Grand Theft Auto for the past two hours, I kicked Robin's ass on the high scores. I hear the water start running; Raven must be taking a shower. I use a shower too; I could take one in the downstairs bathroom. Eh. I can't cuz I have to fix the shower head. I get up to get some food and I see BB get up.
"You're not ditching me now, are ya? Givin up on the high score title?" I ask.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." He answers nonchalantly.
"Dude I think Rae's taking a shower and the downstairs is broken." I try to explain. He gets this wicked smile on his face and answers,
"I know." He jogs outta the living room and leaves me there with a vision of him and Rae in the shower; something I really could have done without.

* * *

The hot water runs down my hair and back. My iPod is blasting Diary of Jane and I'm singing along. I hear another voice singing it with me. Gar pokes his head through the shower door. I pull him in and we're belting the lyrics out and splashing water at each other. He pulls me into an embrace and we just stand there with the water running down our backs. He starts kissing me; first softly but now passionately. It has been almost five songs since he first jumped in. I'm relaxed and at peace until a voice comes through the shower intercom.
"I don't wanna know what you guys are doin in there but you better stop cuz RobStar's home!" Cyborg's voice is urgent and I can hear the elevator stop and hear Robin call our names. Starfire's footsteps are getting closer to the bathroom. She's about to open the door. I got to think fast. Garfield looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

* * *

Shit, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT. Damn, it. I need to stall for BB and Rae. Dammit. DAMMIT! Uhhhhhhh……
"Hey dude! BB and I totally kicked your high score to shame today." I stammer.
"Really? Where is BB?" Great! Why don't me just fucking scream 'look for BB!'
"Uh, I don't really know. I thought he said something about …." I begin.
"A shower? I hear the water running. Naw, must be Raven, I hear her music. Hey Star could you go in there and tell her that we're all gonna go out for pizza as soon as she's ready?"
"It will not be of a problem." My mind is frozen. I have no idea what the hell to do. Starfire is literally centimeters away from exposing this relationship.
Suddenly, I hear a scream. Not just any scream, a shriek and a crash.
"Get the HELL OUT!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BEAST BOY!! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!" The bathroom door flies open and I see BB fly into the wall. He's scrambling around in his birthday suit with pieces of the once metal door scattered on the floor around him. He starts screaming,
"Dammit I'm sooooooooooooo sorry. I didn't know you were in there! I'm sorry!!! SHIT! ROBIN, HELP ME! SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!!!"  Right on cue, Raven starts throwing whatever is handy at Beast Boy, which includes both sinks, soap, and pieces of the wall. Robin throws some smoke bombs and as the smoke clears all you see is a water puddle from where BB had been. Raven looks pissed; I mean four red eyes and all. Her hair is dripping wet and she has a black force field wrapped around her body like a towel; covering herself without having to hold anything, I'm guessing so it's easier for her to throw crap. She's radiating pure anger. Starfire forces her against the wall and tries to calm her down. Robin and I go after BB.

* * *
I'm wet and sitting on my bed, waiting for Robin to come in ask me what the hell is going on. I only had a couple seconds to memorize my script but I think I got it down. Thank God, Raven is so smart to come up with this BRILIANT plan. It really is genius! I hear footsteps towards my door, it opens and both Robin and Cyborg step in. I can hear Starfire trying to calm Raven down. I can also hear Raven swearing and smashing things. Cyborg looks relieved yet also very worried.
"What HAPPENED?" Robin gasps; I can tell he has no idea how to handle this.
"It was an accident! I was listening to my iPod; I didn't hear the water running I… I… I wasn't paying attention and I just walked in just as she was stepping out!" Raven told me to act flustered which isn't hard considering this is a very stressful situation.
"Wait, wait wait. How much did you see?" Robin stammers and he's sweating like crazy.
"More than either of us wanted!" I'm almost shouting now. Cyborg is just kind of standing there dumb founded but starts to catch on to our cover story.
"Dude, did you say sorry?" Cyborg interrupts.
"I didn't get a chance. Before I even grasped the concept of what was happening, she was throwin' shit at me!" Damn I was a little un-BB there with my proper grammar of 'grasping the concept'. Hopefully Robin won't notice.
"What should I do?!" I struggle to say as I veer off the script; Rae and I hadn't gotten this far.
"I…I think you…should maybe….I….You need to….I don't know." Robin is swearing under his breath. He collapses on to the bed and sighs. Cyborg is still standing there like a statue.

* * *

Starfire has me pinned to the wall but I still manage to pick up a piece of the metal door of the bathroom and throw them towards Gar's room. I'm screaming what ever bad words come to mind. I'm thrashing around as Starfire drags me to my room. She barricades the door as she throws me on my bed. I'm covering myself with a force field which comes in handy with all the twisting and turning I'm doing.
"Anger, how should I act?" I search for my emotion.
"Scream, go all red eyes or something, maybe make some threats I don't know! I'm out of practice of being angry so I'm kind of drawing a blank here!" Anger shouts at me. I've been so damn happy lately I haven't been using Anger.
"You should have just told them to begin with and this wouldn't be happening." Smart-Ass is sneering.
"Why did you get all freaked out? You should have just let Starfire walk in on you guys, let her scream, let her run away and continue making out." Lust is pissed as she's not analyzing the whole picture.
"I kind of agree, because I'm not really happy right now, where I was in the shower…." Happy mumbles
"Shut up Happy! I didn't really see you helping me with an escape plan." Intelligence snaps.
"Could everyone just SHUT THE HELL UP?" I'm screaming over all of the voices and notice I shouted that out loud.
"I do not believe I was talking friend Raven." Starfire looks down.
"I wasn't talking to you." I snap, but then regret it. It's not her fault my emotions feel like having an argument.
"Sorry Starfire, I shouldn't have snapped at you." I apologize. She looks back up with some light in her eyes.
"It is okay. Beast Boy should not have invaded your privacy. He will be punished." Great. He'll be punished; I didn't really think this plan through. This plan is horrible! It'll never work.  Intelligence is pissed and Anger is started to get riled up. Intelligence finally snaps,
"Well sorry. I shouldn't have said anything so you and Gar could be standing in the shower trying to explain to Rob and Star why you are both naked in a shower!" Intelligence is pissed and Anger is started to get riled up.
"Starfire, I'm really sorry but I just would like to be alone and change; so I can kinda work things out in my head, okay?" She tilts her head and shrugs. She smiles as she leaves. I wait until the door closes and I lock it before going to my dresser. I grab my favorite pair of purple sweats and a white tank top. I brush my hair out and think of what to do next.
I hear someone outside my door.
"Come in." I say before they can even knock. I open the door myself to see Robin standing there. He looks like he's in pain. His face is scrunched up and he looks very nervous. He blindly walks in and awkwardly stands while just looking at me.
"I'm not mad." I say. His face goes from relief to confusion.
"Why?" Of course he asks that.
"Well, I mean I was mad but life is too short to stay mad. I mean it wasn't like he did it on purpose, just bad timing."  Ya, bad timing on Robin's part.  I can tell he isn't buying it.
"So when does revenge begin." He smiles. He thinks he's going to get me to laugh but I'm tired of pretending to laugh at his lame ass jokes.
"No seriously, it was a freak accident and it's not that big of a deal. I had a……a….a boyfriend who has shown me that anger is pointless…."  Maybe this little story will stop him from flirting with me all the time.
"A boyfriend?"
"Do I know him?"
"How long have you guys been dating?" He keeps asking questions.
I shrug.
"Raven, I know it's your personal life but if you could let me in…"
"It is my personal life and we broke up so…." Hey Robin, this is a hint to butt outta my fake relationship.
"Ya. Well I'm gonna go make some tea so…"
"I feel like some too." He doesn't take hints too well.
"Well, actually I just kinda wanna be alone for awhile you know maybe meditate some." I try to be nice but I can tell he's crushed. I need to set him straight.
"Robin, you are dating Starfire."
"Ya." He looks confused.
"Which means you shouldn't flirt with me."
"I don't."
"You do. Robin, you are a good friend but I don't like you like that. But Starfire does. Don't waste your time on me; spend it with someone who cares about you. He always wants to be the hero but he needs to get used to the fact that he won't be my hero anymore.

* * *

"I just talked to Raven; she said she's mad at you." Robin looks stunned and pissed. Did he think that she would be cool with me seeing her naked? He looks almost embarrassed too.
"Really?" I ask sarcastically.
"She said she wasn't really sure but that it was just a freak accident."
"A freak accident?" Why would she say freak accident?
"Are you saying it wasn't?" Why is he so pissed?
"No.  It was an accident. Are YOU saying it wasn't?"
"I don't know. Do you have ANY self control? I could see you doing that just to screw with her."
"I WOULD NEVER INVADE HER PRIVACY THAT WAY!" I'm off the bed and I'm about to kick his ass.
"Really? So all the other times you messed with her weren't invasions of privacy?" He's shouting now too.
"It's different!"
"None of your damn business!"
"Beast Boy, I know you like her but she will NEVER like you back. The only hope you have is that she won't kill you one day. Are you listening SHE WILL NEVER LIKE YOU!" I'm about to kill him. I feel my heart pumping faster and harder, breaths are shallow and fast. My fists are clenched so hard my knuckles are white, which is quite a sight considering that my skin is green.
"Hey hey hey hey!!! Guys chill! We're all a little flustered from the whole shower incident so why don't we all just go out for some pizza like we had planned." Cyborg makes a point; I'm starving even if I am pissed. I know I shouldn't be pissed though, I know Raven loves me and before I say anything I need to talk to her.
"Sorry. I'm just kinda stressed about the um incident." I lie.
"It's ok. We cool?" I notice he doesn't apologize for what should be ripping my heart to pieces.
"Ya we're cool." I've been lying a lot lately.
"Well, I'm gonna see Raven ask if she wants to come get pizza with us." I say trying to be casual even though I still feel like decking Robin.
"You might wanna make your will first." Cyborg jokes. Cy and I laugh sharing this huge inside joke. I ditch Rob and Cy and jog down to Rae's room. At first I'm furious and wanna just tell her everything that happened. I feel like screaming until I reach her room. I hear her music blasting. I tap on the door to the beat of the music. She opens the door and pulls me in. She looks so hot in sweats and a shirt. She looks so comfortable and it just makes me wanna hold her forever.
We start jumping around in her room; dancing crazily to the music. She starts jumping on the bed. She jumps off the bed and into my arms and whispers I love you in my ear. I swing her around and throw her into the air and catch her. We flop on the bed panting. I turn on to my side and look at her.
"Hey we're going to get pizza, you coming?" She looks at herself and rolls off the bed.
"Not like this." She sighs.
"Hey, what did you say to Robin? He was really weird when he came back from your room." She looks really guilty.
"Well, I told him I wasn't mad because…" I interrupt her.
"Wait, you told him you WEREN'T mad?"
"I'm sorry I got flustered and…"
"No, it's not that, it's just that he said that you were pissed and that you hated me."
"Ya, he went on about how that I would never have a chance with you and all this random shit."
"I told him that I had a boyfriend but we broke up and that he taught me anger was pointless. I told him to stop flirting with me because HE had no chance with me. I didn't even mention you really."
"What the hell? If that's what you said then he lied completely! But why?"
"Maybe he knows."
"That I was the so called boyfriend? Or that we are dating?"
"Both, maybe. I don't know."
"I don't think he does."
"Well, we better get going if we want to keep this façade up."
She goes through her closet and grabs a purple leotard and robe. She jumps outta her sweats and tank top and pulls her leotard on. She wraps her robe around and right as we're about to leave, she turns and runs back to her closet and swaps the belt she has on for another one. I wonder if the belt she has on now is the one with the inscription. She looks at me and says,
"I love you, Gar. Forever and Always." It is the belt. I kiss her forehead and grab her hand. I think about fighting with Robin again but decide not. Because she does love me and I don't need Robin's opinion. We walk to the door and let go of hands. I open the door and look down the hallways; no one is there. I step out and walk down a little ways and then Raven follows. We meet the rest of the gang in the garage. They are already in the T-car. Rae and I hop in and we're gone.

* * *

Jesus! Could that have been any closer! BBRae likes to live dangerous apparently. Sheesh. Even in the rear view mirror they look like they are about to just explode into a random make-out session. I think Robin's in denial about the whole she doesn't like him thing. I really wonder how Raven started to like BB. I mean I figured it was way before they started dating, and they started dating way before they told me. And I know they are lying about only dating for about three or four months, because Rae slipped and told me they started dating way back at the food fight. And that was back in July, it's now February so that means about six months. Robin rolls down the window and leans his arm on the window sill. Starfire is going on about some documentary on some dude who created toothpicks. Beast Boy starts to talk at an awkward silence Star made.
"Ok, now I know you all think my jokes are lame. But this one's actually pretty good. So why did the tomato turn red?"
Some groans and then silence.
"Because it saw the salad dressing!" He bursts into laughter.
"But wouldn't the tomato already be red. It wouldn't TURN red." Raven argues.
"No see it's turning red from embarrassment." Beast Boy tries to explain.
"I got that. But it would already be red so there would be no change at all. And why is it embarrassed about salad dressing?"
"No, see it's embarrassed about SEEING the salad dressing."
"About the salad DRESSING." I say.
"So the word dressing is being used as a verb."
"Ya, I guess." BB smiles. She rolls her eyes and says,
"Well you could have just said that."
"Ya, I guess." He smiles again. She shakes her head and looks out the window. We pull into a parking spot and walk into our favorite pizza place. We get a table outside and are trying to decide what kind of pizza we are going to get. After arguing for fifteen minutes we decide to just get two pizzas; one vegetarian and one meat lovers' experience. Raven ate mostly the vegetarian pizza with BB. Robin and I ate the meat lovers' pizza while Star ended up ordering some concoction with gummy bears and anchovies.

* * *
What the hell is Star eating? It's gummy bears and frosting on pizza. Oh god, are those anchovies? That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.
"Try some Robin!" Starfire beams. Great. I take a bite and swallow it without chewing.
"Do you like it?" She asks.
"It's delicious, I would eat more but I'm just so full." Cyborg starts laughing but I'm not sure if it's because of me or something Raven said. Raven catches me staring at her and I awkwardly look away. I didn't realize I flirted with Raven. I mean now that I think about it, I did it a lot but at the time it just seemed like being friendly. I wouldn't want to date her, but the fact that she wouldn't want to date me kind of hurts. I probably shouldn't have snapped at Beast Boy either. But he does like her and he doesn't have chance.  Even now, he's staring at her while she talks to Cyborg.
I wish she could have waited at least a couple days before having our little confrontation. I need her to go undercover and I think she will be less likely to agree. We pay and leave. Everyone starts to get in the car but I call Raven back. Beast Boy stops, as if to wait for her. He's hopeless.
"I just wanted to talk to her for a moment Beast Boy. You guys go ahead. We'll catch up." Beast Boy looks like he wants to attack me but gets in the car. I wait until the car is out of sight before looking at her.
"If this is about earlier…"She starts to say.
"It's not. But I do want to apologize for that. But the main reason I want to talk is I need you to do me a favor." She looks hesitant.
"What is it?"
"I need you to go undercover."
"Undercover? Where?"
"The new Hive Academy." I'm practically pleading.
"What? Why me?"
"Because, Cyborg has already gone undercover, I can't leave the team, Beast Boy is green and to be honest I don't think Starfire can handle it." I hope she can hear the honesty in my voice.
"For how long?"
"A while. Like 4 months. I know you hated and still hate anything and everything that has to do with high school but please. I'm begging. They are planning something big and I can't let them get away with it. Please." I can't see her reaction because her hood is covering most of her face.
"Are you doing this to get rid of me?"
"No. I've been planning to do this for months, I was going to tell you at lunch today but then there was the incident and ya."
"Do I have a choice?"

* * *

I wonder why Robin wanted to talk to Rae. I'm waiting in her room. It feels like hours when she finally walks in but when I look at the clock I realize it's only been 15 minutes. It's amazing how hard just 15 minutes is without her. She storms into her room and just bursts into tears. She doesn't stop, she runs to her closet and grabs a suit case and starts stuffing all of her clothes into it. She stares at for about 5 seconds and kicks the suitcase over and dumps it all back out again. She shrivels up into a ball on the floor. I run over to her and wrap my arms around her.
"What's the matter? Please, stop crying, please."
"Robin's sending me on an undercover mission."I can barely understand what she's saying through her sobs.
"Why are you so sad though? Undercover isn't that bad."
"For Four months?!?!?!?" She screams. Four MONTHS! Four months apart. Four months alone. I can't go back to the emptiness that I felt before.
"What?" It's barely a whisper.
"I have to go undercover in the Hive Academy for four months." She whimpers. Her sobs have quieted but the tears continue to roll down her cheeks.
"Because you're GREEN!  And Starfire's an idiot."
"Your hair is purple."
"He said he's getting me a disguise." I can't believe this. She can't leave.
"Four months is a long time."
"I know."

* * *

I'm looking in the mirror. But my reflection isn't me. It's some girl with long black hair in green and black leather leggings and a shirt. I look like cat woman minus the mask but with green lightning bolts. Not to mention the black stiletto boots. What the hell was anyone thinking when they created Spark. My "powers" are that I can create black lightning that can lift crap. Yep. That's me. Beast Boy walks in.
"I'm going to miss you." I say.
"Me too."
"I don't want to go."
"Then don't." He acts like that's an option.
"I wish."
Here's Part 3. I hope you guys like it! Part 4 is up as well as 5-12! so please please please comment! thanks!

For the Beginning go here: [link]

For the Next Chapter/Part 4 [link]

Other Stories:
Stupid Cupid: [link]
Scarred: [link]
© 2010 - 2024 BBRaeluv
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Zofie07's avatar
LOVE your storys, I can’t stop to read 💜🥰💚 but really I want to smash Robin for been such a Big DICK head 😤 he dont own Raven?!!